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Chrono X is 4 years old!
by Soulred12
on 05/10/13
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Today, May 10th, marks the Chrono X project’s glorious fourth anniversary. Yes, four years ago today, our project began as a fledgling, and now, four years later, it has made more progress than we could have hoped for. For those with us since the very first public PC demo (it’s no longer available for download), it’s quite a thing to behold when comparing it to demo 4.0.1.

And, of course, what would an anniversary be without celebration? Therefore, we are declaring the next seven days “Chrono X Anniversary week,” during which we’ll be releasing various goodies. We’re starting with…the high quality Demo 4 OST, available now for download for the first time! Get it


But that’s not all! There are a few goodies in that zip, in the form of bonus tracks! And not just DarkMegaman’s theme–there’s also two additional bonuses. First, an unreleased track. What do you think it was meant to be used for? Second, there is an old, unused version of a popular track, back from when Chrono X was young and still trying to discover its true identity. We think it’s still a good track, even though it didn’t end up being used, so we included it just for you.

As we take a look back at these four years, many things have changed: the team roster, the graphics, the story, the ideas, but the goal is still the same! We’re here to develop a full-fledged Battle Network game! Keep an eye out in the next few days for more updates–and more goodies!