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Wallpaper,and.... Android Test Build!
by MaxRock
on 05/30/12
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Hello Everyone! MaxRock here, making a somewhat huge announcement!

I have two items that I want to give today. The first is another piece of promotional art and the other is something downloadable! As I’m sure you can guess, we got another wallpaper for you fans to sink your teeth into. This time it’s…!

Yep, It’s Freeze Me.M.E.N.T.O. this time. If you like it, use it as your desktop’s wallpaper!

This second gift is something that I’ve been working on from soe time. Don’t worry, I’ve still been working on Demo 4, but there were times where I couldn’t. and when I couldn’t I worked on this. You will all get to download and try a piece of it today! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… the first public test build of MegaMan Battle Network - Chrono X on the Android!


It’s not as extensive as the PC demos, as it only has one battle included, but nevertheless, I still want you guys to test this and provide feedback. The requirements to run it are Android 2.2 & up, 256mb of RAM, armv6/armv7/mips CPU + 17mb of free space. Also, no worries. Like I wrote above, PC’s 4th Demo is almost done~ Enjoy! -MaxRock