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by Denpa
on 05/29/12
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Hey folks, Denpa here shovin’ the third gift in your faces, despite its later than expected release. Part of what makes this project as amazing as it can be is community invovement. It is a fan-game after all. The game has grown quite magnificantly and we felt that we should match that growth in how we present the project to fans and the community. And thus, we now sport this crisp, clean, webpage designed with you in mind. Features such as the Chat box, twitter feed, and contact information are available on every page for your convenince.

Thanks for stickin’ with us folks, and thanks for helping make this project as great as it can possibly be. As you can see in the upper right corner, the 4th Demo is nearly complete, so besure to check back regularly! Have an excellent day, evening, or whatever time it is when you read this~