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Being stuck sucks
by Tommy
on 08/30/11
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Hey People T here. Been a long time since I posted an update and that is because i started working at a company as an administrator. I work 3 shifts, so that means I barely have time to do ANYTHING like this.

I’m here to post an update about the project and you won’t really like what you see.

The team has no active spriters, currently. I, Tommy, am working full time, so there’s no time for me to work, DESPITE me wanting to. Our other spriters must be busy, because I have not seen them much. Then again, I haven’t been on as much to see them, so who knows? This means that we’re kinda in a rut. It will be hard to dig ourselves out, but we will, eventually.

One other thing. Another reason that Max is demotivated is because he feels that certain people aren’t taking us seriously. There are a few sites that we feel pretty much ignore us. If you’ve found us on Facebook and are actively following the posts there, and here, then good. If you’ve cared enough to post on the forums, then excellent. But the people that outright either ignore us, or don’t take us seriously can really kill our work mood. After all, what’s the point of all this if no one cares?

Don’t wet your pants just yet, as i said we’re not giving up. Here are some screenshots (already posted on facebook) to keep you guys drooling.

Tommy over and out.