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History Section Updated!
by Winds
on 08/01/11
You are viewing an archived post. For historical purposes, its content has remained unchanged from when we migrated web hosts, however, any links, images, or videos included in this post may no longer work as expected or be available.

Well hulo thur, guys! Windsofthepast (or Winds for short) here to let you know that I’m now able to post updates about the game, and news for other important things!

…sadly, I don’t have any news about the game itself, this will be another news post much like Tommy’s last one. However, this update is still worth checking out! The History Section that Tommy posted a while ago FINALLY got a much deserving update that brings it up to current events (even though Tommy almost forgot about me D:). So, if you haven’t done so yet, you really should check it out, it’s an interesting read, it is.

Until next time, ciao!