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Radio is up again + update on project
by Tommy
on 02/12/10
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Hey People it’s Tommy!Right now i have 2 things to tell you.First off:

-The radio is back and running on the “chat” menu again as well as the request thread on the forum so go ahead and make your choice

Second,the project: -We’re in the finish lines with the 3rd demo.Only some plot parts needs to be programmed as well as the new chips and enemies and some OW stuff and we’re done.We have all engines,musics done so nothing can stop us now…only a giant hurricane which could kill Max’s PC with all the data but cmoooon what’s the possibility of a. “giant hurricane sound”…ok i said nothing.. You thouth that’s all?Think again,cuz i have some new juicy screenshots for you guys of what we improved in the battle system.Check out the new battlefield,emotion mug and Lan’s mug!!

Tommy over and out!