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A Freezing Finale!
by Killer336
on 12/23/24

Oh, hey, there you are! I was rushing to get you guys another key update. As we wind down for the end of the year, we find ourselves thinking about the past and what we accomplished. We sure did a lot, even if it’s not always clear exactly how much work the programming and art teams have accomplished. I’m proud of every one of them, and I just know this game is already a winner. As for your update… I’m not sure where I put it. It got lost in the snow somewhere.

Aw, what the hey, let’s let some of our secrets out instead. Come on out, Freeze Me.M.E.N.T.O.!

Freeze Menu

It’s been a long while. If you’re a super oldschool fan, you may remember a version of this form was implemented way, way back. We showed it off on an old livestream, too. But as our designs change, improve and conform to our fully realized development plan, we had to go back and re-implement a bunch of mechanics and forms to update them. That’s been a theme this year, but as I’ve written many times, its necessary. And we all benefit from it, particularly you guys.

Freeze Me.M.E.N.T.O. sports the highest HP boost out of any form in the game, and will remain that way. The point of the form is to throw your weight around and maintain control of the environment, much like how FreezeMan controlled, well, everything.

Flashback to breaking ice

No, not like that, FreezeMan! Stop! It was so very tempting to just pick “walking” as Memento memory for this menu. Hey, no one ever said memories had to be positive. Just ask GhostMan.

Freeze Enemy

Here’s what I meant. You can literally become a fortress of ice, and slam your enemy with multiple ice waves from the ground and the sky. FreezeMan: The Field is Yours. There’s…honestly a lot to talk about here and a quick GIF doesn’t do it justice, but we gave this form a lot of benefits, such as not losing Busting Level while in Freeze Fortess. Want to keep your S-rank and deal good damage? Want a safety net while traversing the Net? Wanna feel like the Head of Gospel? Pick Freeze Me.M.E.N.T.O.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I feel really good about where we’re at and where we’re going. Expect an uptick in positive news in the very near future. Consider following our socials:




(More to come)

Hm, we should add more come the new year, shouldn’t we? Probably should. As always, thank you for your interest. Thank you for your love. And thank you for your support.