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New Affiliate and some screenies!
by Tommy
on 04/03/10
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O haaaaaaaaai!!! I’m honored to announce that we made a new affiliation thanks to Killer336/Giver336 with Timaeus’s site “Mega Poke Chat Realm”. You can check out the site in the sidebar to the right if you didn’t check it yet————–>

The second thing,Max made some screenshots for advertise purpose from the freshest demo release and told me to post some here so here you go boyz and galz!

A brand new virus comes with it’s unique battlechip.This one is Hydro Pump

OOooh Shineeey!A mistery data!

To access the memento menu,you gotta clear the demo first!

Yep.The navicust is usable after you finish the demo too!

That’s all for today!Tommy over and out!